2025 Summer Camp Registration is Open

2025 Youth Summer Camp Registration is open!

2025 Youth Summer Camp

2025 Youth Summer Camp registration is open! There are 2 different camps for different age groups. Each session is 5 days running from 9am – 3pm and costs $290. Make sure to read about both below!

2025 Youth Summer Camp Ages 5-9
Session 1: June 16 – 20

Session 2: July 7 – 11
This is an opportunity for kids ages 5-9 to spend a week in the air exploring movement, strength, and creative expression, plus having lots of fun! Each week we will sample a variety of aerial and floor techniques, play games, and learn age appropriate ways to keep our bodies safe and strong. Perfect for total beginners or kids with previous aerial experience alike.

*Snacks and lunches will need to be packed and brought from home. We have a water bottle filling station so students should bring a re-usable water bottle.

*New* Young Performers Camp for Ages 10 -15
Session 1: June 23 – 27
Session 2: July 14 – 18

This year our older youth camps will focus on artistry, performance, and the skill of developing a circus act! Students will spend the week training on chosen apparatuses as well as finding their creative voice through improv, exploration, and collaborative movement exercises. As a group we will learn to expand beyond memorizing specific “tricks” and into the exciting world of using circus arts as a tool for self expression. The week will culminate in a small showcase for parents where students will have the opportunity to perform solo and/or as part of a group act.

*Snacks and lunches will need to be packed and brought from home. We have a water bottle filling station so students should bring a re-usable water bottle.

Check out 2025 Youth Camp Information here!

Register for 2025 Youth Camp here!


WCCO-TV Interview with Sherry and Lynn

Sherry Walling and Lynn Lunny talk about healing heartache through movement specifically through circus arts during their interview today with WCCO/CBS News.

Dr. Sherry Walling is a psychologist, author and aerial arts performer. Lynn Lunny is a circus arts performer and teacher. Both women tragically lost their brothers to suicide, and it was movement that helped them cope and manage their grief. During Mental Health Awareness month, they share their personal stories about how they found their outlet to heal.

If you’re interested in exploring and healing your own heartache through aerial movement, check out Circus for the Broken-Hearted workshop happening Sunday, June 4, 2023 at Stomping Ground Studio. No aerial experience required.

Sherry standing in background as Lynn holds a handstand with staggered legs on her handstand bench at a live interview with WCCO-TV
Touching Two Worlds: How circus arts and movement can help people cope with mental illness

Private Parties & Events

Private group parties are the best way to celebrate your special time! Get your group together and schedule a private birthday or bachelorette party, or whatever else you’re celebrating!

Click here to fill out a brief questionnaire about your event. We’ll then check our books, and get back to you about scheduling as soon as we can! We usually have availability on Friday evenings and Saturdays mornings or afternoons. Please note that private events are scheduled around weekly classes. Click here to see the weekly class schedule.

Aerial arts studio showing tall ceiling and multiple apparatuses in us including a long haired person inverted on a trapeze, two people on blue slings, one person on straps, with a couple others in the background.
Celebrate with us!

Vivid Conversations About Race Intensive Experience

April AWAKEN Cohort | Vivid Conversations About Race

This experience includes about 25hrs of Professional Development in Race Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, 3 consecutive sessions + 1 follow session, your workbook and tools, and so much more confidence and clarity in how to engage this very important and impactful work.

About this Intensive Experience:

This 3 part experience, taking individuals from [A]WAKEned, to [A]WOKEned, to WORKin’, is one stepping stone in a lifelong process of curating more welcoming and supportive spaces with regards to race equity.

This series is especially curated for those in the Twin Cities Circus & Performing Arts Community, a metro with some of the worst race disparities in the country. This disparity is constantly showing up in Twin Cities performing arts spaces of both instruction and performance.

Individuals will take part in this intensive because they want opportunities to get to know black and brown people trying alternative arts more often AND they want to be a part of welcoming people of all races to come, to stay, to play, and to authentically take up space.

Register Here

Check out other Vivid Black Paint sponsored events here.

Spring Performance Prep Class and Showcase!

Click here to read our March Newsletter!

Spring Performance Prep Class Series Starts the Week of March 19th! 

Join us for our Spring Student Showcase Performance Prep Class and show!

In this is a seven-week class session, beginning the week of March 19th, you will meet weekly to work on creating and choreographing a piece on your apparatus of choice!

After the seven weekly classes, you get to debut your new act in our showcase happening the weekend of May 5th and 6th.

Experience on your apparatus is required. Come with tricks and sequences in mind that you would like to incorporate into your choreography. Please note this is not a learn-new-skills type of class. Your coach will be there to assist you in creating flow between your tricks and sequences to compile a new piece of artistry!

You may miss up to one class and make it up during an Open Gym.

Classes start the week of March 19th

Performance Prep with Lynn – Sundays 10:30am – FULL

Performance Prep with Alissa – Sundays 1:15pm 

Performance Prep with Kristen – Tuesdays 5:45pm – FULL

Spring Student Showcase – May 5th and 6th, 2023

Schedule Performance Prep Class